Am I Sick Enough for help?
In honor of National Eating Disorders Awareness week and its inspiring message, "come as you are," I want to address some of the barriers...

Stocking Your Pantry
Stocking your pantry ensures food will be there when you need it. It also helps to make weeknight meals easier to swing. I love scanning...

Creamy Chicken & Broccoli Casserole ...So Good, this Could Break the Internet
Dairy and I don't always get along. So when I found myself craving a classic casserole dish the way my aunt used to make, I turned to...

Surviving the Holidays: Therapeutic Baking & Cranberry Citrus Bread
The holidays are HERE, folks! It's true that store shelves are stocked with Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanzaa goodies the day after Halloween,...

Anyone Can Make Homemade Soup: A 5-Step Guide to Soup Making for Dummies
It took a while for me to realize making homemade soup doesn't require iron chef-like abilities. Unfortunately, now it seems to be taking...

The Macro Diet (IIFYM): What Your Dietitian Really Thinks
The phrase "If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM)" is popping up everywhere these days. Sites claim the Macro diet will allow you to, "eat the...

This Soup Will Cure What Ails You
​ My mother has always called chicken soup "nature's penicillin." If you're like most Americans, you've likely experienced the...

Oh My, My Zucchini Pie
Zucchini pie isn't the kind of thing you eat once and then forget. With golden brown crust, bits of salty cheese, aromatic onions, and...

Hassle-free (& Gluten Free) Blackberry Banana Pancakes
Servings: 4-6 Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes -1/4 cup heat-stable oil (we used Avocado oil) -1.5 cups zucchini, grated ...

Quinoa Breakfast Bowl
- 1/3 cup cooked quinoa, hot or cold to your preference - 1 cup blueberries and strawberries, fresh or frozen* - 1/2 cup nondairy mylk ...

How to Feel Healthier After Drinking
To understand what happens in your body when you drink, consider this: since alcohol is a diuretic, it causes massive dehydration in your b

Are Vegetarian Athletes at a Disadvantage?
If you are an athlete subscribed to a vegetarian or vegan diet, you want to incorporate high-energy foods into your meals and snacks. Nuts,

Artificial Sweeteners: Neither Friend Nor Foe
The problem is, refined sugars are everywhere--and if you have a sweet tooth, it could be hard for you to limit your consumption. Restaurant

Cacao Cooler
Heads up! This recipe makes 2 servings -3 cups nondairy mylk (soy, almond, coconut, cashew, or hemp) - 1 TSBP raw cacao powder - 1/2...

Green Tea Mango Smoothie
3/4 cup green tea, cooled (for extra strength, brew using 2-3 teabags) 3/4 cup nondairy mylk 1 cup mango, chopped frozen 1/4 avocado ...